“The Ultimate Guide to Enjoying Your Senior Year!”
Your senior year has finally arrived. It’s such an exciting time in your life and a HUGE accomplishment. As a former senior, I’m here to give you some advice on how to have the best year possible.
- Apply to college as early as possible. This is by far the most stressful part of senior year. Instead of pushing it off, get it done fast. It will greatly increase the amount of stress and will provide a lot of free time in class.
- Keep your year drama-free. Unfortunately, I let drama get the best of my year (as most people, especially girls, do from time to time). We all laugh about it now and wish we had just realized the issues we were facing were not big enough to worry about. Enjoy time with your friends, the issues you have will be laughed at in just a few months.
- Take a fun and easy classes if you can. The senior year should be as low-key as possible. It is 100% up to you, but I suggest not loading up on 4 to 5 AP classes senior year. You have plenty of time to study in college, trust me.
- Don’t get lazy. Even though it is senior year, and everyone is suffering from senioritis, don’t let your work back up. Get it done promptly so you don’t have to stress about it later. If you don’t take too many AP classes, you shouldn’t have that much homework anyway.
- Hang in there. If your year is anything like mine by the second semester you will be questioning why you are still going to school. You’re almost done, don’t ditch too much and keep positive. Graduation will be here before you know it!!
~ Maddie K.
Buoncristiani Photography Studio Assistant